Health | Life | Money


Cat staying cool
Heatwaves are here to stay – how to deal with it While many of us yearn for the summer months, coping with hot weather in the UK isn't always easy. Here are some top tips on how to stay cool this summer. Read More
Idyllic courtyard scene
How to relocate or retire abroad – is it even still possible? Is retiring to warmer climes still a dream we Brits can achieve in later life? We take a look at what you need to consider before taking the plunge… Read More
Group learning
It’s never too late to learn new skills Our minds function best when they stay active. Lifelong learning offers many benefits from preventing cognitive decline, to improving mental health and expanding your social life. Check out these learning ideas... Read More
Family enjoying time together
Travelling during school hols? How to vacation in style without going broke School holidays are a great opportunity for all generations to spend time together as a family. Inflated pricing can make going away hugely costly, but there are ways to make your holiday more affordable. Read More
Person with pride flag
History’s most influential LGBTQ+ icons Since the 1700's some incredible individuals have been hugely influential on the LGBTQ+ community. This Pride Month we celebrate seven of them Read More
Friends having a discussion
How to say no if you’re asked to lend money Money is a touchy subject and discussions are often difficult to navigate. What’s the best way to say no if you’re asked to lend money? Read our tips on how to handle it with care and respect. Read More
Group volunteering
How to get yourself a ‘helper’s high’ by volunteering Volunteering is seen as a largely selfless act – but is there more in it for you than you realise? We look at some of the benefits gained from stepping up. Read More
Couple enjoying bike ride
The healing power of nature – why spending more time outside is a win Being outside is essential for good health. With summer coming, here's how to escape artificial light and maximise the health benefits of being alfresco. Read More
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